Bergen Family Chiropractic

45 North Lake Ave, Bergen, NY 14416 - (585) 494-2870

Does the Medical Industry Have Your Best Health in Mind?

Does the Medical Industry Have Your Best Health in Mind?

The United States of America spends the most amount of money in the world on “health” care but, not only are we nowhere near the healthiest group of people, but can we truly even call this “health” care?  Isn’t it really disease care?  Aren’t we just spending ourselves into a drug-induced state with excessive and often unnecessary surgeries as the icing on the cake?

With over 783,986 yearly deaths directly related to medical mis-diagnosis and carelessness, with an average of 40 harmful medication dosage miscalculations per hospital per day, and with the alarming increase of children and adults requiring antidepressant medication to just feel “normal”, one thing is clear: United States “health” care is in need of a total reform.

Instead of first seeking to treat our illnesses in the most healthy, natural way possible (such as chiropractic), powerful pharmaceutical companies, medical technology companies, and special interest groups with enormous vested interests in the business of medicine insist that their way is the only way.  Unfortunately, their self-centered well being stands in the way of America’s best health interests.

Simply look at the number of invested people on hospital, medical, and government health advisory boards and you’ll see a conflict of interest. For example, a 2003 study found that nearly half of medical school faculty, who serve on Institutional Review Boards (IRB) to advise on clinical trial research, also serve as consultants to the pharmaceutical industry. The sad truth is that money and social esteem often stand in the way of doing the right thing.

So, who do you trust and what do you do to safeguard your own health and that of your children?  A good place to start is in your chiropractor’s office where you will get natural, non-invasive, non-drug/non-surgical care to restore the function to your body so it can do its job to keep you well (and feeling better is the icing on this cake!)  Your chiropractor can also point you in the right direction to take your total body health in a positive direction with nutrition and exercise advice as well as resources for other appropriate natural health care approaches.

I know that my own family is super healthy and energetic because of the regular chiropractic adjustments we receive.  (My rowdy group comes in weekly to get maintenance adjustments.) We also eat whole, real foods as the staples of our diet, get outdoors for exercise, and spend time as a family laughing and loving.  That’s the best prescription I can think of for optimal health.  How about you?

Dr. Amy MercovichSnapshot 1 (7-2-2012 3-45 PM)