Bergen Family Chiropractic

45 North Lake Ave, Bergen, NY 14416 - (585) 494-2870

Holiday Season Tip: Dole Out the Decadence

Dole Out the Decadence

by Dr. Amy Mercovich

Plant delicious treats everywhere (and no, I do not mean chocolate truffles!).  Allow yourself some luxury with your time and energy.  Be absolutely decadent in non-food ways.

What activities make you feel giddy with excitement or make you feel super relaxed and comfortable?

  • Sitting by a sunny window with a book and tea?
  • Ice skating with your grandchildren?
  • Looking at family photo albums or “scrapbooking”?
  • Calling your best friend?
  • Treating yourself to a massage?
  • Shopping for a new outfit?
  • Going outdoors with your camera to capture something new?
  • Playing Wii with the kids?
  • Doing soduko or crossword puzzles?
  • Listening to (or making) music?

Go sledding!

If you truly cannot think of something indulgent to do, then simply take a few moments to think about what brought you joy as a child.  Life ought to be fun no matter how big the bills or how long the work week.  If you doubt this, then ask someone in their 90s what he or she thinks.  Somehow I don’t think you will hear that you should work more, stress more, and be unhappy!

Play in the snow!