Bergen Family Chiropractic

45 North Lake Ave, Bergen, NY 14416 - (585) 494-2870

Time for an Oil Change…For Your Body

Time for an Oil Change…For Your Body

“Ditch the 6, Up the 3”

When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, you want to lower your intake of omega-6 fatty acids (found in most vegetable oils and processed foods), and increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish, walnuts, flax, and fish oil supplements) to elevate your health and to improve your blood vessel and brain tissue, skin, and hair.  Some studies have even shown that taking fish oil capsules on a daily basis can help you to lose weight!

The SAD (Standard American Diet) is way too high in omega-6 fatty acids and way too low in omega-3 fatty acids.  The result is a ratio of fats that creates inflammation and ill effects in our bodies.  Omega-6 fatty acids are the inflammation producing kind of fats, resulting in dry, brittle hair and nails, joint pain, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acids come from wild food and you need to seek them out and supplement them to get enough.  Omega-3 fatty acids are the anti-inflammatory, brain and heart and GI tract healing fats, that are the secret to healthy skin, hair, joints, blood vessels, and all cell membranes.

Here is a great prescription for proper oil intake:

Eat these foods at least twice weekly:  fatty fish such as wild salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines, flax seeds, flax oil, and walnuts

Supplement with at least 500 mg, but ideally 1 gram, of omega-3 fatty acids per day in the form of EPA and DHA with a pharmaceutical grade fish oil

Click below to watch Dr. Oz and Dr. Hyman talk about omega-3 fatty acids (less than 5 min video):