Bergen Family Chiropractic

45 North Lake Ave, Bergen, NY 14416 - (585) 494-2870

Bergen Family Chiropractic

3 Tips to Get Exercise to Actually Happen

Three Tips to Get Exercise to easily as possible!

*1 Remove as much activation energy as possible. 

Activation energy is what is required for you to START exercising.

Bring your workout clothes or walking shoes to work and put them on before you leave your workplace
Sleep in your workout clothes
Walk in the neighborhood of your workplace before getting in the car to go home
Keep your exercise equipment in the living room so you don’t have to go to the basement or some other “less appealing” place to do your back and core or weight lifting exercises

*2 Make the task of getting movement into your day as enjoyable as possible

Meet a friend to walk or meet a friend at the gym
Listen to something that excites you while walking on the treadmill or working out (and consider ONLY letting yourself listen to or watch that favorite program while exercising)
Get yourself a gadget or fun technology for your activity or buy yourself the thing you REALLY need to exercise the way you want (for example, Dr. Amy pays for the obe fitness app because it is so much fun!)

*3 Set the bar low (for easier success)

You don’t have to put special clothes on and workout for an hour to count the day as an exercise day.

Some days you just need to dance to three songs while washing up the kitchen or do a couple of Back and Core exercises while you watch a tv show at night. 

Just decide what your minimum level of movement is each day and do it.  You can and will do more (hopefully) most days.

I tell Practice Members all the time…”If you are brushing your teeth to go to bed and you haven’t done your ONE THING you decided you would do everyday, then just do it before hopping into bed.  Easy peasy.”

Start something that moves your body. Don’t overthink it. Don’t wait until you have the proper clothes or shoes or app or dumbbells. Move for joy and for health. It will feel good both physically and mentally. And, remember, there are always “bonus points” when you get some outdoor exercise. Every day is a fresh start. Begin today.

-Dr. Amy