Bergen Family Chiropractic

45 North Lake Ave, Bergen, NY 14416 - (585) 494-2870

Top Ten Secrets to A Happy & Content Life

Top Ten Secrets to A Happy & Content Life
by Dr. Amy Mercovich

10. Don’t take life too seriously – most of what we do isn’t very important anyway.
9. Love hard.  Start with yourself (learn to love you!) then expand the love outwards.
8. Enjoy simple pleasures.  Some of these might include: walking outdoors, enjoying nature, listening to music, reading a book, talking with a friend, sipping a hot beverage, and taking a luxurious nap.
7. Expand your knowledge.  Never stop being willing to learn new things and see things from a different perspective.
6. Move your body.  Exercise for the health and the enjoyment of having a body that can do lots of cool things.
5. Only put nice things into your body.  Eat lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein, olive oil, and whole grains.  Don’t poison yourself with smoke, too much alcohol, too much sugar, too much flour, and drugs.
4. Connect with others.  Having a social network makes life fun, especially when those people make you feel good about yourself.
3. Laugh out loud as often as possible.  Read cartoons, watch funny sitcoms, go to comedy movies, and be goofy with children.
2. Every day think about death for one minute.  It is amazing the fresh perspective you get regarding whatever was just stressing you out when you think about your mortality and how short life can be.  Time is precious and ought not be wasted on crummy stuff.
1. Live in the present moment.  Most stress comes from re-living the past or worrying about the future when the truth is, that right now, all is well.  Simply “be”.